Real-Time Hybrid IT Automation Blog
While IT orchestration and automation is our bread and butter, we understand that it is a complex and multifaceted topic that sparks conversation and inquiry. Our blog is our way of trying to address some of those questions, and build as diverse a knowledge base as possible for the Stonebranch community.
Stonebranch Online 2021: Week 4 Highlights
Week four of Stonebranch Online 2021 is all about doing more with your Stonebranch Universal Automation Center (UAC). First, learn how to connect UAC with any application, platform, or system in your hybrid IT environments. Then, see what’s new in UAC version 7.1.
Stonebranch Online 2021: Week 2 Highlights
Week two of Stonebranch Online 2021 offered two webinars: one on orchestrating data pipelines and the other on multi-cloud environments. Both sessions featured product demonstrations of the Stonebranch Universal Automation Center (UAC) in action. Keep reading to learn more.