Real-Time Hybrid IT Automation Events

Connect with our experts and learn from the best. Stay in the loop and meet us at major events for workload automation, job scheduling software, and IT orchestration and automation.


DDAC 2024: Orlando, FL

Join us at the Disney Data & Analytics Conference 2024, where data and analytics come to life with Disney's unique touch. 

As an exhibitor and speaker, Stonebranch will be part of this exceptional event, offering insights into the latest in data and analytics. Don’t miss your chance to see how data analytics can revolutionize your business.

  • Gain cutting-edge knowledge from experts in data and analytics.
  • Discover how data-driven decisions are transforming various industries.
  • Network with professionals and industry leaders.
  • Participate in innovative sessions designed to inspire and educate.

Click the button below for more information about the agenda, recommended accommodations, and registration details. We hope to see you there!

September 9–11, 2024
Venue: Disney's Coronado Springs Resort
Orlando, FL

Learn More


Data Management Summit (DMS) NYC

The Data Management Summit (DMS) NYC is the leading financial data management conference for sell-side and buy-side executives in capital markets to hear from data practitioners and innovators about delivering value with innovative and flexible data-driven solutions. 

Stonebranch is an exhibitor at this event. Join us on September 26, 2024, in New York City, to discover how Universal Automation Center (UAC) empowers your organization to automate and orchestrate any on-prem or cloud environment and achieve the centralized control needed to better manage the flow of data across your entire data environments. 

Click the button below for more information about the agenda, recommended accommodations, and registration details. We're looking forward to seeing you at Data Management Summit NYC!

September 26, 2024

One Liberty Plaza
New York

Learn More


Join Stonebranch at Events Online and Around the Globe in 2024!

Mark your calendars and get ready to join Stonebranch at exciting events throughout 2024. We'll be hosting and sponsoring a variety of in-person and virtual events, offering valuable opportunities to:

  • Learn about the latest advancements in workload automation and orchestration.
  • Connect with industry experts and fellow Stonebranch users.
  • Discover how Stonebranch solutions can help you achieve your business goals.

Here are just a few of the events we have planned:

In-Person Events


  • September 9-11 | Disney Data & Analytics Conference | Orlando. FL 
  • September 26 | A-team Data Management Summit | New York City 
  • October 28-29 | Stonebranch UserVerse Ohio 2024 | Columbus, OH 
  • December 10-12 | Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference | Las Vegas 


  • March 14 | A-team Data Management Summit | London  
  • April 3 | AWS Summit | Paris 
  • May 29 | AWS Summit | Dubai 
  • October 14-15 | Stonebranch UserVerse Nuremburg 
  • October 24 | Stonebranch UserVerse Copenhagen 
  • November 19–20 | Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference | London, UK 


  • Partner events | Vietnam

Virtual Events

  • Stonebranch Online 2024
  • Monthly webinars 

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements. In the meantime, be sure to bookmark this page and check back regularly for the latest information. 

We're looking forward to seeing you!