11 products found for "Azure"

Microsoft Teams: Send and Receive Notifications
This integration enables users to receive task-related notifications and send task-related approvals through a Teams channel. It uses incoming webhooks to integrate Microsoft Teams with the Stonebranch Universal Automation Center (UAC).  Key Features: Using this task, UAC task-related information can be sent directly to an operational Teams channel. Send interactive messages to a Teams channel to trigger an approval process for manual tasks whenever user intervention is needed. End-users can request notifications within Teams alerting them about UAC task results. Task results can include items like completed workflows and task failures. Additional Info:  Requires serverless infrastructure (e.g., AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions).
Databricks: Automate Jobs and Clusters
This integration allows users to perform end-to-end orchestration and automation of jobs and clusters in Databricks environment either in AWS or Azure.   Key Features:  Uses Python module requests to make REST API calls to the Databricks environment. Uses the Databricks URL and the user bearer token to connect with the Databricks environment. With respect to Databricks jobs, this integration can perform the below operations: Create and list jobs. Get job details. Run new jobs. Run submit jobs. Cancel run jobs. With respect to the Databricks cluster, this integration can perform the below operations: Create, start, and restart a cluster. Terminate a cluster. Get a cluster-info. List clusters. With respect to Databricks DBFS, this integration also provides a feature to upload files larger files. What's New in V1.3.3The latest release provides enhanced error handling capabilities while monitoring the status of running jobs, and enables recovery options in the event of errors occurring during the monitoring process.
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Snowflake: Schedule, Trigger, Monitor, and Orchestrate Operations
This integration allows Stonebranch users to orchestrate, schedule, trigger, and monitor the Snowflake load and unload processes from different data sources (including cloud storage or local virtual machines), directly from the Stonebranch Universal Automation Center.   Key Features:  Users can orchestrate the following Snowflake functionalities: Snowflake loading processes: Load data from AWS S3 to Snowflake. Load data from Azure storage to Snowflake. Load data from Google storage to Snowflake. Load internal stage file to Snowflake table. Copy from local server to internal staging. Snowflake unloading processes: Unload Snowflake data to AWS S3. Unload Snowflake data to Azure storage. Unload Snowflake data to Google storage. Unload Snowflake data to internal staging. Unload from internal stage to local server. Snowflake execute commands: Execute a Snowflake command.
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Inter-Cloud Data Transfer
This Universal Extension provides the capability to perform data transfers between cloud-based storage services and local or distributed file systems. Transfers are fast and secure since data are streamed from one storage to another with no intermediate storage taking place. Multiple storage systems are supported (an overview can be found here). Integrations within this solution package include: Amazon S3 Google Cloud Storage Microsoft OneDrive Business, including Sharepoint Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Hadoop Distributed File Storage (HDFS) Local file system (Linux, Windows) HTTP(S) URL Download with: Inter-Cloud Data Monitor Key Features:  This Universal Extension supports the following key features: Actions: Copy, move, and synchronize data between two storages. Copy a URL's content to a cloud or local destination without saving it in temporary storage. List data on storage, including listing with details or in JSON format for machine parsing. Create objects on a storage. Delete objects from a storage. Features: Fast transfers for objects stored in the same region. Preserves always timestamps and verifies checksums. Supports encryption, caching, compression, and chunking. Dynamic token updates for OneDrive Business cloud storage, observing the OneDrive business refresh token flow. Support for dry runs. Allows users to execute a Universal Task without making any permanent changes on the target storage. Advanced filtering capability for files or objects to be listed or transferred. Option to mark the Universal Task as Failed when no files have been transferred. List of overwrite options for existing data. Additional customized options. Output: Progress of the selected Action is visible, during Universal Task Instance execution. Text or JSON formatted output.   What's New in V4.0.0 This new major version removes the need for manual installation of third party software on the Agent host. Added Support for automatic refresh of Token Credentials on UC for Storage Systems of type "One Drive" Fixed issue where observability metrics were not produced when Task Instance Log Level is INFO. Breaking Changes Variables name prefix is changed. Following the import of a this new version, some small changes might need to be done on the task definitions depending on task configuration. Please refer to the Migration Notes on the Users Guide Documentation for more information.This version is supported for Universal Controller and Universal Agent and later.
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Azure Synapse
Azure Synapse is a cloud-based analytics service that combines big data and data warehousing capabilities to enable organizations to ingest, prepare, manage, and analyze large volumes of data for business insights This Universal Task provides the capability to run, monitor, and re-start Azure Synapse Pipelines from Universal Automation Center. Key Features:This Universal Task provides the following key features: Run a Pipeline.Run a Pipeline with parameters.List all Pipelines in a Workspace.Monitor the started Synapse Pipeline. Cancel a Pipeline Run.Cancel a Pipeline Run Recursive.Rerun a Pipeline from a specified activity or the beginning.Service Principal-based Authentication to Azure Synapse. Certificate-based TLS connection.What's New in V1.2.0Enhancements: Json Output is provided for further processing of the output in, e.g., Workflows.
Azure Blob: Manage File Transfers
The integration for Azure Blob Storage allows secure transfer of files from Azure Blob Storage containers and folders.Storing data in the cloud becomes an integral part of most modern IT landscapes. With the Stonebranch Universal Automation Center, you can securely automate your AWS, Azure, Google, and MinIO file transfers and integrate them into your existing scheduling flows. Key Features: The following file transfer commands are supported: Upload file(s) to an Azure Blob Storage container. Download file(s) from an Azure Blob Storage container. Transfer files between Azure Blob Storage containers. List objects in an Azure Blob Storage container. Delete object(s) in an Azure Blob Storage container. List Azure Blob Storage container names. Create an Azure Blob Storage container. File transfer can be triggered by a third-party application using the Universal Automation Center RESTfull web service API: REST API. The integration for Azure Blob Storage can be integrated into any existing scheduling workflow in the same way as any standard Linux or Windows task type. Security is ensured by using the HTTPS protocol with support for an optional proxy server. Supports Azure token-based Shared Access Signature (SAS). No Universal Agent needs to be installed on the Azure cloud – the communication goes via HTTPS.
Azure AZ CLI
`The Azure command-line interface (Azure CLI) is a set of commands used to create and manage Azure resources. The Azure CLI is available across Azure services and is designed to get you working quickly with Azure, with an emphasis on automation.The Universal Task for Azure AZ CLI allows calling a single or a set of Azure CLI commands. Key FeaturesThis Universal Task provides the following key features:The Universal Task for Azure AZ CLI allows you to schedule and Invoke Azure CLI commands.Either a single command or a list of commands can be invoked.No Azure CLI needs to be installed. This Universal Task uses Microsoft-maintained Python modules azure-cli.The following functionalities can be performed:Authenticate with Azure using your Azure user credentials.Authenticate with Azure with a service principal.Invoke a single Azure CLI commands.Invoke a list of Azure CLI commands provides via a Universal Controller Script file.Chooses different log-levels.The Task can run on any Windows or Linux Agent, without the need to install the Azure CLI.
Azure Batch
Azure Batch is a set of batch management capabilities that enables developers, scientists, and engineers to easily and efficiently create Azure Batch jobs and tasks. This Universal Extension provides the capability to submit Azure Jobs, add Azure Batch tasks to jobs as well as monitor tasks for completion.Key Features: Actions Add an Azure Batch Job to a specific pool of nodes by providing the Azure Batch Job configuration in JSON format. Add a task as part of a specific job & optionally monitor task for completion. Authentication Ability to connect to Azure using Client Credentials Grant Type. Ability to connect to Azure using User Credentials Grant Type.
Azure Virtual Machines: Start, Stop, and Terminate Instances
This integration allows users to utilize Azure Virtual Machine (VM) name, resource group, subscription ID, and access token as inputs to a start, stop, terminate, list, and check the status of Azure VMs. Key Features: Uses a Python request module to interact with the Azure cloud platform.  Expands user ability to start/stop/terminate/check/list Azure VMs that belong to a subscription and resource group. In the Stonebranch Universal Controller (UC), this task reaches and stays in the success state until the Azure instance is completely started, stopped, or terminated.  Scheduling this task in UC with the right dependencies set up would start and stop EC2 instances based on business needs using a UC workflow.  This task helps to dynamically manage VM operations. It could potentially reduce the Azure VM running cost in the cloud.  Important: This integration uses Azure Oauth 2.0 access token for Azure API authentication. Users may need to use the UC web services task to refresh the access token periodically.
Azure Logic Apps: Schedule, Trigger, and Monitor Workflows
This integration can trigger and monitor the execution of Azure Logic workflows and retrieve Azure Logic workflow output execution. The Stonebranch Universal Controller (UC) integrates with Logic apps through REST APIs securely through the Azure Oauth 2.0 authentication mechanism.  Key Features: Passes dynamic input parameters (JSON format) to each Azure Logic app workflow. Triggers a workflow, monitors it until the process is completed, and then delivers the results to UC. Customers can manage and control Logic app workflow execution from UC, with the capability to employ other dependencies like time triggers or event-based jobs/workflows. This task offers ITSM integration capability, enabling the auto-creation of incidents in Logic apps workflow execution failure. 
Azure Data Factory: Schedule, Trigger, and Monitor
This integration allows users to schedule, trigger, and monitor the Azure Data Factory pipeline process directly from the Universal Controller.   Key Features:  Uses Python modules azure-mgmt-resource and azure-mgmt-datafactory to make REST API calls to Azure Data Factory. Use the Azure tenant ID, subscription ID, client ID, client secret, resource group, and location for authenticating the REST API calls to Azure Data Factory.  Perform the following Azure Data Factory operations: Run a pipeline. Get a pipeline info. List all pipelines. Cancel pipeline run. List factory by resource group. Azure Data Factory triggers user can perform the  following operations from UAC: Start trigger. Stop trigger. List trigger by factory. UAC also can restart a failed pipeline either from the failed step or from any activity name in the failed pipeline.