Red Hat: Openshift Jobs

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Product number: SB10182
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Product information "Red Hat: Openshift Jobs"

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OpenShift Jobs in the context of Kubernetes are resources designed for running finite tasks or batch jobs. They create and manage pods to execute these tasks, ensuring completion and termination upon success. Commonly used for operations like batch processing or periodic tasks. This integration acts as an interface to OpenShift CLI (oc) enabling users to trigger the execution of OpenShift Jobs from the Universal Controller. OpenShift CLI (oc) is bundled within this integration and does not require separate installation.

Key Features:

  • Capability to run a single OpenShift Job using a job resource file or a job resource URL and monitor its completion.
  • Capability to delete OpenShift registered jobs.
  • Authentication types: Basic, Session Token and Web Console Token.
  • Integration can be deployed on an Agent that lives inside an OpenShift cluster.

What's New in V1.1.0
  • This Integration now compatible with Windows Agents.
  • Added the ability to delete jobs automatically after completion, manually during runtime, or as a single action.
  • Added support for job definitions as URLs, handy when job definitions are stored in source code repositories.
Extension Name: ue-openshift-jobs
Universal Template Name: OpenShift Jobs
Version: 1.1.0
Vendor: Red Hat
Type: Free
Compatibility : UC/UA 7.5 and above
Support: Stonebranch Certified
Please visit this link to find key features, prerequisites, installation instructions, configuration instructions, and examples of how to use this integration.