
AWS Step Functions

USD$ 0.00*

Product number: SB10159
Product information "AWS Step Functions"

Step Functions is a serverless orchestration service that lets you combine AWS Lambda functions and other AWS services to build business-critical applications. Through Step Functions graphical console, you see your application’s workflow as a series of event-driven steps.

This integration allows customers to execute AWS Step Functions from Universal Controller.

Key Features

This Universal Extension provides the following key features.

  • Actions

    • Execute a AWS Step Function and wait until is reaches status "Success" or "Failed".

    • Execute a AWS Step Function asynchronously without waiting for the execution to finish.

  • Authentication

    • Authentication using AWS Credentials

    • Authorization via IAM Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) strategy.

  • Other

    • Communication through Proxy with use of HTTP or HTTPS.

Whats New V2.0.0

  • Breaking Change: This version supports Universal Agent and Universal Controler from version 7.2 onwards. Customers that used older versions of this integration on Universal Controller and Universal Agent of versions <= 7.2 are required to upgrade to use the new functionality introduced by 2.0.0. 
  • Added: A suffix is added to the Execution Name before AWS Service is called. That suffix represents the execution count for a specific task instance, therefore providing uniqueness of the Execution Name. 
  • Fix: The Extension Output attribute “fields.invocation.execution_name” is corrected to represent the user input after the resolution of UC Functions and variables

Extension Name: ue-aws-stepfunctions
Universal Template Name: AWS Step Functions
Version: 2.0.0
Vendor: Amazon
Type: Free
Compatibility : UC/UA 7.2 and above
Support: Stonebranch Certified