
En tant qu’entreprise d’apprentissage collaboratif, notre mission est de vous transmettre nos connaissances en matière d’automatisation informatique en libérant votre véritable potentiel. Apprenez-en davantage sur nos produits et solutions en parcourant nos fiches techniques, livres blancs, rapports d’analystes, vidéos et autres ressources. Découvrez pourquoi Stonebranch dispose des connaissances et de l’expérience nécessaires pour développer les innovations en matière d’orchestration et d’automatisation informatique.

Watch the Demo: Demo: Check Out the New Universal Data Mover Gateway for B2B MFT

Product Update: Check Out the New Universal Data Mover Gateway for B2B MFT

Watch the Training: Connecting UAC with any IT System in Your Hybrid IT Environment

How to Connect UAC with any IT System in Your Hybrid IT Environment

Learn How to Build a Universal Extension from Scratch

How to Build a Universal Extension from Scratch

Watch the Success Story: AXA Insurance on Real-Time Automation in a Hybrid IT Environment

Success Story: AXA Switzerland on Real-Time Automation in a Hybrid IT Environment

Customer Panel: How to Orchestrate a Data Pipeline with Seattle Children's Hospital and Vermont Information Processing (VIP) - Watch the webinar now!

Customer Panel: How to Orchestrate a Data Pipeline with Seattle Children's Hospital and Vermont Information Processing (VIP)

Watch the Success Story: How ING Empowers End-Users with Self-Service Automation

Success Story: How ING Empowers End-Users with Self-Service Automation

Watch the Stonebranch Online 2022 Opening Keynote: Orchestrate the Universe

Stonebranch Online 2022 Opening Keynote

What is a DataOps Tool: Five Core Capabilities

What is a DataOps Tool: Five Core Capabilities

Watch the Demonstration: How Stonebranch Uses UAC for Infrastructure-as-Code

Cloud Infrastructure Automation with UAC

Infrastructure as Code Best Practices: Watch the Demo

Infrastructure as Code Best Practices: Watch the Demo

Workload Automation Software Through the Years: 40+ Years of Progress

Workload Automation Software Through the Decades: 40+ Years of Progress

Wella, la success-story : Consolidation de l’automatisation SAP et non-SAP sur une plateforme unique

Wella : Consolidation de l’automatisation SAP et non-SAP sur une plateforme unique

What is a data pipeline? Definitions you need to know

Un pipeline de données, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Les définitions à connaître absolument

Header card EMA Analysts

EMA Global Workload Automation Market Size and Forecast 2022 to 2027: Report Summary and Profile

Stonebranch Online 2022: Pre-Built and Custom Automation Integrations

Automation Integrations for Stonebranch UAC: How to Get Started

Stonebranch Online 2022: B2B Managed File Transfer with UDMG – Answers to Your Questions

B2B MFT with Universal Data Mover Gateway: Answers to Your Questions

Using webhook integrations for event-driven automation

Using Webhook Integrations for Event-Driven Automation

Stonebranch Online 2022: Data Pipelines and Self-Service Automation

Stonebranch Customers Talk Data Pipeline and Self-Service Automation