
Apache Kafka: Event Monitor

USD$ 0.00*

Product number: SB10137
Product information "Apache Kafka: Event Monitor"

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. A Kafka Event Monitor is a Universal Extension responsible for monitoring events (messages) from topics in Kafka.

Key Features:
This Universal Extension provides the following main features:
  • Monitor messages and consume a Kafka message by consumer group topic subscription
  • Authenticate against Kafka using PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL or SSL security protocol
  • Capability to filter Kafka messages based on the value of the message. Number, String and JSON filter patterns are supported.
  • Capability to fetch dynamically Kafka topics, during task creation.
  • Capability to control the partition assignment strategy, as well as session-related timeout values
Typically this extension can be used to monitor events from Kafka and upon successful execution to trigger workflows or other tasks, or just to pass information related to the Kafka event within UAC.
What's New in V1.1.0
With this new release client authentication over SSL is supported.
Extension Name: ue-kafka-monitor
Universal Template Name: Apache Kafka: Event Monitor
Version: 1.1.0
Vendor: Apache
Type: Free
Compatibility : UC/UA 7.1 and above
Support: Stonebranch Certified