
En tant qu’entreprise d’apprentissage collaboratif, notre mission est de vous transmettre nos connaissances en matière d’automatisation informatique en libérant votre véritable potentiel. Apprenez-en davantage sur nos produits et solutions en parcourant nos fiches techniques, livres blancs, rapports d’analystes, vidéos et autres ressources. Découvrez pourquoi Stonebranch dispose des connaissances et de l’expérience nécessaires pour développer les innovations en matière d’orchestration et d’automatisation informatique.

Watch the Event Highlights and Memories from SNUG 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark

SNUG 2019 Copenhagen: Stonebranch Nordic User Group Highlights and Memories

Watch the highlights and memories from SUGG 2019 in Mainz Germany

SUGG 2019 Mainz: Stonebranch User Group Germany Highlights and Special Moments

Learn How: SAP Job Scheduling in Real-Time

SAP Job Scheduling: Real-time Automation of SAP Jobs with UAC SaaS

Watch highlights and memories from the Stonebranch Innovation 2019 event held in Amsterdam

Stonebranch Innovation Europe 2019: Event Highlights and Memories

Learn How to Set Up A DevOps Toolchain for SAP: Weekly Finance Report

How to Set Up a DevOps Toolchain for SAP: Weekly Finance Report

Watch now! TechEd 2019: Stonebranch North American User Group Highlights

TechEd 2019: Stonebranch North American User Group Highlights

Watch now! Enterprise IT Automation for Docker-Based Business Processes

Enterprise IT Automation for Docker-Based Business Processes