
Als kollaboratives, lernendes Unternehmen verfolgen wir das Ziel, unser Wissen über IT-Automatisierung an Sie weiterzugeben, indem wir Ihr wahres Potenzial freisetzen. In unseren Datenblättern, Whitepapers, Analystenberichten, Videos und vielen anderen Ressourcen erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Produkte und Lösungen. Entdecken Sie, warum Stonebranch über das Wissen und die Erfahrung verfügt, um Innovationen in der IT-Orchestrierung und -Automatisierung voranzutreiben.

Enhance SAP Job Scheduling Whitepaper Download Purple Background

Go Beyond Traditional SAP Job Scheduling

Header Data sheet- Universal Data Mover Gateway

Universal Data Mover Gateway (UDMG) – Secure B2B File Transfers

Header data sheet: Service Offering Portfolio

Service Offering Portfolio: Professional Services for Real-Time Hybrid IT Automation

Header solution data sheet- Cloud Automation

Cloud Automation — Intelligent Event-Based Scheduling for Real-Time Automation

Blog Data Pipeline Orchestration for DataOps Watch video

Data Pipeline Orchestration for DataOps – Explainer Video

Big Data Pipeline Orchestration Introducing UAC

Big Data Pipeline Orchestration with DataOps Enablement

Watch the Webinar: 5 Practical Ways to Meta-Orchestrate Automation Across Multi-Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Containers and Beyond

5 Practical Ways to Meta-Orchestrate Automation Across Multi-Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Containers and Beyond

6 Cloud Automation Use Cases Every IT Pro Should Know

6 Cloud Automation Use Cases Every IT Pro Should Know

Whitepaper: Cloud Automation Use Cases

Cloud Automation Use Cases: Techniques to Simplify Cloud Complexity

Product Training: What's New in Universal Automation Center 7.2 - User Experience Update

Product Update: What's New in UAC 7.2

What's New in Universal Automation Center V7.2

3 Big Updates You’ll Love in Universal Automation Center V7.2

What is a cloud scheduler?

What is a Cloud Scheduler?

Exploring DevOps Automation Integrations for the UAC

Exploring DevOps Automation Integrations for the UAC

Header Card SAPinsider Benchmark Report: Analytics in the Cloud

SAPinsider Benchmark Report: Analytics in the Cloud

Exploring cloud automation integrations for the UAC

Exploring Cloud Automation Integrations for the UAC

Exploring integrations for data pipeline automation - Stonebranch UAC

Exploring Data Pipeline Automation Integrations for the UAC

What is Job Scheduling? How Has it Evolved?

What is Traditional Job Scheduling? How Has it Evolved?

What is Batch Processing and How Has it Evolved?

What is Batch Processing and How Has it Evolved?