Blog zur hybriden IT-Automatisierung in Echtzeit

IT-Orchestrierung und -Automatisierung sind unser tägliches Brot. Wir wissen aber auch, dass es sich dabei um ein komplexes und anspruchsvolles Thema handelt, das Anlass zu Diskussionen und Fragen bietet. Mit unserem Blog versuchen wir, einige dieser Fragen zu beantworten und eine möglichst vielschichtige Grundlage für die Stonebranch-Community zu schaffen.

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Stonebranch Online Mid-Point Highlights

The Stonebranch Online Educational Forum has reached the halfway mark. Here, we take a look back at some of the highlights of the series so far.

stonebranch online educational forum with dates

Introducing Stonebranch Online – Overview of this Must-See Virtual Event Series

Registration is now open for Stonebranch Online, a virtual education series featuring presentations from prominent customers and Stonebranch executives. Read on to learn about sessions that cover several exciting new Stonebranch features including infrastructure-as-code, jobs-as-code, and how to manage automation across your hybrid IT environment.

Static vs Dynamic IT Automation and How They Work Together

Although some organizations have completely evolved their IT operations using dynamic, event-based workload automation, others utilize both static and dynamic IT Automation to fulfill their enterprise-wide automation needs. Here we explain how traditional static job scheduling and dynamic workload automation concepts can come together to automate processes across the entire enterprise, regardless of environment.

Running Universal Agents in Docker Containers

In this blog post we examine a sample dockerfile, entrypoint script, and the docker build and run commands needed to implement and run Universal Agent in a Docker container.